A Message For LEMON
“From the beginning, [the clothing designs that turned into a community called] LEMON has been based off the idea that nothing can be perfect.”
Principles of LEMON
Not Defined by Flaw.
The mission of LEMON is to help people feel better about themselves and make a difference in the world.
Be kind Love yourself Love others Be patient Go with the flow
It’s about the community first Connect and share love with the community
Be in the moment, and don’t overthink Find ways to share the message
Be in nature Nature is often the answer Nature is love and patience
Love is always the answer Everything changes Nothing stays the same
Everything stays, but it still changes
Don’t shut down when something upsetting happens, process it
Allow others to lead Those who are forgiven much, love much
Love doesn’t contradict consequence
Allow others to come up with ideas, and reinforce their ideas.
My dear friends,
It has been an absolute journey, and it’s still starting. We have been together and done many things. I have many fond memories of the connections we have had. That’s what this message today is to emphasize.
LEMON is founded on connection. It’s always been about connection. My goal is to have everyone be connected in LEMON. Being part of LEMON, there is opportunity to meet people, discuss things, and share our story. So, I’m going to start by sharing mine.
When I was in high school, I often was looking for somewhere I fit with. I never really seemed to have that. I had small friend groups of people that I was with, and I would get along with others, but never really had one I felt I fit in with in total. The people that I see in LEMON, are beyond the “cliques” from school. Consisting of everyone (athletes, musicians, artists, and more) and for those in college (philosophers, real estate agents, filmmakers, web developers, and more) and life outside of school (parents and their children, teachers, business owners, and more). And what all these people have is a community that they feel at home in, regardless of their path in life, a way for us all together to connect. Now, I can confidently say that people have told me that with LEMON they feel they truly can be themselves, and are accepted. A place I wanted in high school, and I am very proud of everyone together. Thank you for being part of that growth.
And I want to talk to you about growth.
For a while I had considered rules are not be something I wanted to propose or enforce. For each problem that we might have, there is a situation in which we could solve it together. But eventually learning that it’s important to create standards in belief. The biggest rule in LEMON is “be kind” and for a while that was the only unspoken rule. This is true to now, that anything hurtful or prejudiced is unacceptable. Others I have included continue as: respecting the wildlife (not taking anything from the wild that could impact the habitat and not hurting any of the wildlife directly), keeping the buddy system (where if anyone in the group is going off, one person must be with them), and leaving no trace (where we don’t leave any trace that we were there like trash or other pollutants). It is so important to preserve and protect ourselves and our natural environment surrounding us. That is one of the missions of LEMON. In addition, I have also introduced another new rule on substances. This is important as we are building a community focussed on nature, for us to respect and cherish nature (including the nature that is our own body). Substances harm us in our bodies, our minds, our lungs, and our stomachs. It also harms our spirits, and makes it harder for us to maintain relationships and connect with ourselves and others around us. It may remove our truest ability in learning together and teaching, and living in truth. When I quit smoking 5 years ago, I thought that I’d go back to smoking. After just over a year, I realized I was happier without it. I also realized that as someone with a form of Cystic Fibrosis, that I must pilot and maintain a positive standard for others with the condition. Today, I invite you to join me.
I also want to say, the intention is to connect, and is not based in judgement of substances, for those who use substances are welcome at LEMON, so long as it isn’t done during or at LEMON. Also, to my friends who partake in substances for any number of options, I do intend to continue our friendship and I still love you and hope to connect with you. Maybe, we can start hanging out more, and spend an hour doing what I would consider to be LEMON, and then an hour you can do what you want to do, and that could help bridge the gap. You might start to see that it’s a positive thing not using substances too, and you might want to come to LEMON, or you could show up to LEMON for only an hour or two. Either way, you are welcome. Also, I want to say, if you are seeking help with substance use, please reach out and we will do our best to help identify a solution for you lemon@notdefinedbyflaw.com
Overall, creating standards that we connect with will create an environment that is safer and more focussed on the mission. Thank you for being a part of shaping this community, and for everyone participating and connecting. I cherish these moments and I know this will bring us together and more connected than ever.