Welcome to CAMP LEMON

The first photoshoot of the CAMP LEMON. Modeled by from left to right Pierce Marengo, G, & Leo. (waiting for permission from some).

CAMP LEMON came into my head a while back when I was talking to my aunt Monique about what I wanted to do with the brand next. It was definitely t-shirts. Summer was coming up, I wanted something that people could wear and connect with even further than the tags, but what to create?

Then it became incredibly obvious. One of my childhood obsessions — Percy Jackson, Camp Half-Blood. It represented a very similar idea to what I'm trying to create with LEMON. The community, a place of misfits, a place where anyone is welcome. The camp that I wanted to create would grow overtime, but for now it was a group of close friends. My friend G was generous to let me shoot this shot in his backyard, which just happened to match the exact vision of the poster I wanted to create, featuring Cesar, G, and Leo.

The collection was an amalgamation of three ideas — Percy Jackson's Camp Half-Blood, Gravity Falls, and my memories from being in the Cub Scouts as a kid. That's where the patches came from, and the pine tree that's split in half on the tees and the patches. The bracelets were something that I had in my mind for a long time as well, something about those silicone bands you used to get as a kid in school, that I wanted to recreate. Something that didn't need to be taken off, that could be showered with -- and it turns out that's how it worked out that way too. My therapist, close friends, and even my good friend/client that I do freelance media for all have worn the bracelet for days without removing it. Each with their own reason, but the bracelets say "NOT DEFINED BY FLAW" and I like to think it's a reminder to them, like it is to me, to not judge, to be patient, and to be kind.

Pierce Marengo

Pierce Marengo is the founder of LEMON.

Not Defined By Flaw


The Reimagination


LEMON Dogtags